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Discover the Energetic Potential of December!

Writer's picture: Amanda CoxAmanda Cox
Gingerbread men, cinnamon sticks, stars, chestnuts and lights with a fir tree branch and pinecone

As we enter the last month of the year it’s time to start thinking about the festive season, looking forward to sharing time with our loved ones and let’s be honest, eating heaps of great food!


It’s also time to take stock of the year gone past. The last year may have sped by but it will have brought a myriad of experiences for you to learn through as we approach the end of the year.


Everything you’ve lived through this year will have changed you in some way, whether you’re consciously aware of it or not. Spend some time thinking about all that you experienced this year, get it out by writing if you feel too :


How has this year shaped you?

How have you grown?

What have you released?

How has your perspective changed?

Who has influenced your life the most?

Have you been true to yourself at all times?

Which moments warmed your heart?

What are you most proud of having achieved this year?

What, and who, are you most grateful for?

a pink and white wrapped christmas gift with pink lights in the background

Celebrate your wins, your goals accomplished and all the ways in which you honoured your promises made to yourself at the beginning of the year. Resolve to buy yourself a gift this festive season as a symbol of all you have become and overcome this year, it doesn't have to be anything big just something you can keep as a reminder.


And what about those challenging, painful or difficult experiences? We’ve all had them, and they always carry the potential for huge growth when we choose to revisit them, as well as our reactions in the moment:


What experiences were the most challenging for you this year?

How could you have reacted differently?

What did the experience teach you about yourself?

Did you notice any change in the way you reacted compared to how you might have reacted to similar challenges in the past?


Forgiveness plays a huge part in releasing anything that may be weighing us down. If you experienced any situations that require you to forgive another or to ask forgiveness, now is the time to do it. Let go of the weight of guilt or anger, do you really want to be carrying that weight around with you into the new year?


Is there anyone you need to forgive before the start of the new year?

Is there anyone you need to ask forgiveness from?

Do you feel that you owe anyone an explanation for your words or actions?

Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for?


Energetically, December encourages us to look inside, to reflect and acknowledge, to forgive both ourselves, and others, and to release and refresh our spirit for the year to come.


Use the energies of this month, particularly the Solstice on the 21st, to release anything that you don’t want to carry with you into next year :

Notebook with paper snowflakes and a cup of hot chocolate in front of it

Write it all out and burn it.

Write letters to those you need to express yourself to, you don’t need to send them.

Ask the Full Moon to take anything that no longer serves you.

Affirm that anything that no longer serves you be released with every footstep.

Ask your Guides to heal you while you sleep.

Find a healing and release meditation on YouTube.

Book a healing session with me!


However you choose to release the year, do so with gentleness, kindness, compassion, understanding and most importantly…with Love and with Gratitude.

Happy Festive Season to you and yours!

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