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Trust Your Inner Guide: Learn to Follow Your Intuition

Writer's picture: Amanda CoxAmanda Cox

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to get caught up in the external noise and distractions that cloud our judgment. But deep within each of you lies a remarkable gift — intuition. Often dismissed or ignored, your intuition is a powerful tool that can guide you towards making better decisions and leading a more fulfilling life.

In this blog, we'll explore why it's essential to follow your intuition, learn how to distinguish between your mind and your intuition, and discover practical ways to recognise the signs your intuition is trying to communicate with you.

There are many reasons why learning to follow and trust your intuition is important, here are just a few:

A compass floating on the ocean waves at sunset

Inner guidance: Your intuition serves as your inner compass, guiding you towards choices that align with your true self. It taps into your deepest desires, passions and values. By following your intuition, you are more likely to make decisions that are in alignment with who you are and what you really want, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Access to subconscious wisdom: Intuition taps into your subconscious mind, which holds a vast amount of information and experience that may not be readily available to your conscious mind. It can provide insights and solutions that go beyond what your logical mind can comprehend. By trusting your intuition, you tap into this source of wisdom and expand your problem-solving abilities.

Improved decision making: Intuition can help you make better decisions. While your rational mind analyses facts and evidence, your intuition looks at the bigger picture, taking into account subtle cues and energies. It can sense when something feels right or wrong, even when logical reasoning points in a different direction. By integrating both your rational mind and your intuition, you can make well-rounded and informed choices.

A person wearing a yellow t-shirt holding 'Yes' and 'No' signs

Navigating uncertainty: Life is full of uncertainty, and rational analysis may not always provide clear answers. In these situations, intuition becomes invaluable. It can help you navigate through unclear situations and guide you towards the best possible course of action. Trusting your intuition allows you to embrace the unknown with confidence and adaptability.

Alignment with personal growth: Following your intuition often takes you out of your comfort zone. It encourages you to take risks, explore new possibilities and embrace personal growth. By stepping into uncharted territory, guided by your intuition, you broaden your horizons, gain valuable experience and discover new aspects of yourself.

Build confidence in yourself: When you consistently follow your intuition and see positive results, you build a deeper trust in yourself and your decision-making abilities. Trusting your intuition builds self-confidence, self-trust and self-belief. It empowers you to rely on your own inner guidance rather than seeking validation from external sources.

Authenticity and fulfilment: Ultimately, following your intuition allows you to live a life that feels true to who you are. It aligns your actions with your core values, passions and purpose. By making choices that resonate with your authentic self, you create a sense of fulfilment, contentment and harmony within yourself and your relationships.

Mind vs. Intuition: Understanding the Difference

A brain and a heart on a seesaw with a blue background

Your rational mind is logical, analytical, and focused on facts and evidence. It relies on past experiences and external information to make decisions. While the mind is valuable in certain situations, it can be limited in its ability to perceive the bigger picture and sense the subtle energies of a situation.

Your rational mind is always going to try and keep you safe within your comfort zone and will use your fears and doubts to prevent you from following your intuition.

Intuition on the other hand, is a deeper knowing that goes beyond conscious reasoning. It often manifests as a gut feeling, a hunch, or an inner voice. Unlike the mind, intuition is not bound by time, space, or logic. It operates on a deeper level and can offer insights that transcend the limitations of the rational mind.

Woman's silhouette over water with sun shining through her head

Recognising signs from your intuition:

In a world that often emphasizes rationality and external validation, following your intuition is a powerful way to connect with your inner wisdom, make aligned decisions, and live a life that reflects your true essence.

Recognising signs from your intuition requires developing a sense of awareness and alignment with your inner self. Here are some ways to improve your ability to recognise signs from your intuition:

Cultivating Mindfulness: By practicing mindfulness, you develop the ability to tune in to the present moment and become more aware of the subtle signals and sensations in your body. Pay attention to any feelings of expansion or contraction, as these may be indications from your intuition.

Pay attention to physical sensations: Your body often provides valuable clues to your intuition. Notice any physical sensations that arise as you consider different options or scenarios. A feeling of expansion, lightness or tingling can indicate alignment with your intuition. Conversely, feelings of contraction, heaviness or discomfort may indicate misalignment.

Trust your gut: Pay attention to your "gut" or immediate reaction to a situation or decision. Your intuition often communicates through a strong feeling or hunch that comes from deep within. Learn to trust these gut feelings and allow them to guide your actions.

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Listen to your emotions: Emotions can be powerful indicators of your intuition at work. Notice how you feel when you think about certain decisions or situations. Feelings of excitement, joy or enthusiasm can indicate that you are on the right track.

However, feelings of discomfort, heaviness or a subtle sense that something is not quite right may indicate a need for caution or further investigation.

Follow intuitive prompts: Intuitive prompts can come in many forms, such as sudden insights, ideas or inspirations. They can appear as a fleeting thought, a flash of inspiration or a persistent nagging feeling. These prompts are often spontaneous and can provide valuable guidance if you are open and receptive to them.

Pay attention to synchronicities: Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to be orchestrated by a higher power. They are often signs or confirmations from your intuition or the universe. Be open to recognising patterns, symbols or encounters that seem to align with your thoughts, desires or choices. These synchronicities can provide valuable guidance and validation.

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Your intuition is an invaluable tool that can help you navigate your way through life. By learning to trust your inner guide, you unlock a world of possibilities and open the door to personal growth through a more authentic and fulfilling way of being.

Remember, your intuition is unique to you, and as you deepen your understanding of it, you'll discover a source of wisdom just waiting to be tapped. Trust yourself, embrace the unknown and embark on your journey of self-discovery, guided by the power of your intuition.

Through mindfulness, self-awareness, and paying attention to the signs, you can cultivate a deeper connection with your intuition and embrace the wisdom it has to offer. So, listen closely, follow your heart, and let your intuition be your guiding light.

Regular Tera Mai Healing sessions can help you to quiet your mind, access the wisdom you hold in your heart and realign you with yourself - book your FREE 30-min Discovery Call today to find out more:

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